Plotting Up goes local……..

So we’re back in business. After 18 months with no plot we were lucky enough to get one just round the corner from our house and it even came with a shed. Suffice to say Vicky has already taken charge of thinks and we’ve made a start on our new plot (number 23) by clearing out the old shed, giving it a lick of paint (a nice contempory slate grey finish), and even getting so far as erecting beans supports with new canes and planting out a row of sunflowers. 

With our little girl Tamzin having just turned 1 and our second well on the way (due August) we plan to set aside a part of this bigger for them to play and learn “as they grow”. 

So here’s a little background on our new plot…………it used to be the site manager’s but he was ousted for being a bit of a dick by all accounts. Bad for him, good for us, as our new plot comes with both its own water point but also the shed has a sink and working tap. The council also put in 2 nice concrete paths that run down either side of our plot which although not the prettiest do mean we have one less headache of having to keep the usual grass paths mowed or to prevent them from encroaching onto the plot itself. Everyone Wye say on site today seems really friendly and we have a couple of people we already know on site.

Can’t wait to get into the swing again. 

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The Waiting Game………

Well, D Day has come and gone and Vicky and I are still waiting for our little bundle of joy to arrive. We have though been able to get on with the remodelling of the back garden, which now in Mid-April is really starting to come to life. The strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and blueberries are all showing good signs of new growth and fruit development. All 3 of the new apple trees are in leaf and blossoms are just starting to appear, not the same can be said for our Victoria Plum, but hopefully she’s a summer time girl.

The lack of space is a new challenge for us although taking some inspiration from Alys Fowlers TV show the edible garden, we are determined to create a garden that mixes both edible with beautiful. Vicky has planted up an array of pots with flowers that add colour and will help attract pollinators to our fruit and veg. She has also scattered some wild flowers in the raised bed around a pair of Apple trees. We’ve included some sun flowers and climbing sweat peas to add even more colour and some height into the garden.

Finally we tried to create a small rock garden area under the neighbours cypress tree, a dry shaded area where not even the grass would grow. I’ve been undertaking some pruning to said tree in order to increase the light in our garden but also to discourage the local pigeon population that like to perch I’m its branches and shit on us.

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All Quiet on the allotment front……..

It’s been a while since I updated this blog and it’s not because we’ve been sitting around all the while doing sweet fanny adams but because it’s been so busy it’s hard to find the spare time to sit down and put finger to key board lately what with moving people and the bank holidays and everything else.

I’m happy to report that Vicky has now moved in with me in Canterbury meaning that we are closer to the plot and so hopeful with Summer on the horizon (come on man it’s bloody June for F#’@k’s sake) we should be getting down more often. But that has also meant that the house has become a bit more of a priority and so we have plans on that front too.


We did however manage to get the sweet corn and courgettes in the ground last week, following on form the butter nut squashes the week before although they looked like the main course in some little bastards butter nut squash buffet!

We seem to be experiencing quite a lot of pest attacks on our veggies with all the brassicas showing signs of leaf damage along with the tops of our roots too like the turnips, beet roots and swedes although with the action of these fellas taking place under the ground i’m hopefully they will shrug it off and we’ll still get something from them.


I’m sure that we spotted a few parsnips showing signs of coming through and by a miracle we had a pod of peas on our surviving plants. No beans to show so we’ll plant out some more now the weather is finally warmer.

The spuds are going great guns (again) but they’re now the one thing that we haven’t really been eating of late with the diet control plan in full swing (9kg lost since February) but with the BBQ season now upon us its potato salad all round for any invites we get. Also got the last lot of ones planted so all three lots are now in the ground.


Still on the look out for free/cheap green house and shed for the plot.

Hopefully we’ll get down tomorrow for evening’s weeding and planting.



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Weeding Day…….

Yesterday was glorious and today has been equally as good. After a few work related headaches for Vicky this morning we arrived at the plot around lunchtime. Aprils mix of sunshine and showers has definitely had an effect and there has been an explosion of growth on all fronts.Time to get our second set of spuds in the ground. Our early main crop.


Pleased to see the first asparagus tips emerging from the clump that we left undisturbed but so far nothing from the experiment bed where I moved them last autumn.

Everything that Vicky sowed a couple of weeks ago looks to have germinated and so we gave everything a good soaking as the top soil has become very dry and hard.


Unfortunately it’s not just our veggies and fruit bushes that have exploded into life but the late spring has also brought forth an army of invading WEEDS. My personal nemesis being the dandy lion. I like its golden ray of sunshine but the way it gets into everything and its long tap roots that can re-grow like a Tolkien troll means they are a bastard to get rid of. And as my friend told me “One year of seed is seven years of weed” and it bloody feels like it. What gripes me more is the plot next door which appears vacant and left to go wild means the little fuckers are there and nothing I can do so Vicky spent all day weeding our beds and paths to get them into good order and give our plants the best possible start.


The last of the raised beds was filled with a mixture of soil from the plot, ash from our burn ups and the compost that was bought yesterday so we can plant that out in a couple of weeks time. To finish off the day we cut down the old sheets of corrugated plastic that was lying around to make mini poly tunnels/cloches to protect our little seedlings.

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Sizing up ……..

Another glorious sunny day yesterday so Vicky and I decided to make the most of it and took a drive down the coast to Rye for a few drinks and a spot of lunch ( I was drinking, Vicky was driving).

Having gone to buy some peat free compost first thing in the morning the afternoon once we had returned from Rye was spent potting on some if our many seedlings. 3 courgette plants, and 6 butternut squashes were transferred to 6 inch pots although 1 of the courgettes was entangled with another that it lost most of its roots and now doesn’t look like it will survive; but still 2 healthy plants should provide us with enough.


11 chillies and 6 aubergines were transferred from there original plugs into individual 3 inch pots


2 of the cucumber plants looked to have died so were left with 3 and with Vicky having move out of her house in Folkestone we are going to loose our lovely south facing sunny garden and window cills so depending on finances next month a green house purchase for the plot is a necessity.

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The Heat is on ……..

What a belter of a day Yesterday was!!

After the promise of good weather for the weekend all week saturday turned out to be a bit hit and miss so luckily we just did a bit of running about and decided to hit the plot on Sunday. Even then it was trying to rain as we arrived at mid day; but soon cleared into a fine clear day.


Leaving Vicky to carry on with clearance and bonfire duties it was time to start getting things in the ground! First up was our beans. We sowed runners and dwarf beans in pots some weeks back and they were desperate to get out some had grown so much they were no longer seedlings but full plants. More to the point some were starting to flower!
Armed with some 7ft bamboo canes the first thing to do was to erect a support structure for the beans to grow up.


After the beans it was the turn for our first lot of peas. Rather than a linear structure the pea support was done as a wigwam using smaller bamboo canes. Due to slugs munching the peas last year we decided to protect them this time round sliding 2L plastic bottles with the bottoms cut off over the canes to act as mini clothes.


With the legumes sorted it was time to get another of our raised bed filled. We did this my digging up soil from an area of the plot that isn’t currently in use. Using the wheel barrow to move it about made the job quick. So with 3 of the small 1500mm square beds filled it was time for a late lunch break down by the river where Vicky had scattered our wild flower meadow seeds and where our local wild life come to visit us.


Lunch over including a well deserved beer it was time to get on with more planting. Armed with dibber, scaffold board and packets of seed Vicky set about sowing this years crops of roots and brassicas. Into the first bed went carrots and parsnips, bed two was swedes, turnips and beetroots, while bed 3 was cabbages and Brussels. To provide some protection and also to help with warm we covered the raised beds with sheets of corrugated plastic to act as a sort of mini grow house.



So by the end of the day the plot was really starting to look like the plot that I’ve had in my head for the last 18 months. A few more bits and pieces and we should be well on our way to a thriving plot growing all sorts of delicious fruit and veg and also a tranquil little haven where we can hide away.


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What the weekends were made for……..

What a fabulous weekend that was. For the first time it actually felt like spring. So much so that we managed a whole day down on the plot in glorious sunshine. Perfect working weather.

And so what did we manage to get done. Well for starters I spent most of the afternoon digging up the remainder of this years potato bed (and I have the blisters to show for it). This was hard going as the part of the plot we are using this year has been covered up and walked on for the last 18 months so it was really hard and compact and came up in large clay like clumps. Made me realise how tough it must have been for Vicky last time out.


With the bed all dug it was time to get something in the ground at last so with dibber in hand the first earlies went in. 20 tubers in a block of 5 x 4.

Vicky spent most of the day having a good old clear up down the bottom end. Doing what I’d planned for soo long but never getting round to. She cleared out a lot of the undergrowth and got all the random rubbish into a single pile. The toilet structure got taken down and the fence panels re-used in what will be our new composting area. We also made a fire pit using some old sheets of corrugated steel roof panels and the majority of dry wood and old canes got burned much to Vicky’s delight. She loves a good burn up.


We stopped for a little picnic for lunch and had a little wander down by the river where we saw a water rat scurrying along on the opposite bank. Keen eyes by Vicky. we also fed the ducks.

On top of all that we managed to get 2 of the raised beds filled ready for planting but then decided that it was still just to cold to sow any thing and so covered them back up and will plant out next weekend if the weather continues to improve.


To finish off one of the best days down the plot some of the old fruit cage netting was used to cover the strawberry bed. A great day.

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Nursery Times ……..


Seedlings in full swing

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Spring, Are you there?……..

Well Easter is out of the way and we had a fabulous bank holiday weekend down in Wiltshire; glorious sunshine, no rain but still on the chilly side.

It’s Wednesday night and I’ve been busy potting on some of our seedlings: tomatos and peas and sowing seeds of courgette, butternut squash, sweetcorn, basil a second lot of peas and spinach. Not promising as it was trying to snow again and this weekend we need to get out and get some serious planting going on. The beans and peas really need planting out and the first earlies need putting in the ground. All being well that’s exactly what we’ll be doing this weekend.


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Chitty Chitty Spud Spud ……..

It’s that time of year again rapidly approaching. Yep that’s right. Potato planting time. Traditionally I’m told its what you do at Easter but I’m going to Wiltshire for the long bank holiday weekend and so have planned to plant our spuds the following weekend.

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